Jump N Rise

Boost Your Preschooler's Development with Exciting Fitness Activities at Jump-n-Rise!

Discover the World of Fun and Learning with Our Preschool Fitness Programs in Ahmedabad!

Young child climbing a yellow rope with assistance from an adult, showcasing preschool activities in Ahmedabad, with playful minion drawings on the wall.

Discover the Joy: Preschool Fitness Activities Gallery!

Kids practicing yoga on blue mats in a spacious indoor play gym, promoting health and balance.
"Three children sitting and smiling on a trampoline at an indoor play centre with a vibrant green wall behind them.

Igniting Preschoolers' Growth Through Fun Activities!

2 year old girl doing tyre excercise

Do you worry about your preschooler spending too much time in front of screens?

Or do you notice them getting lethargic , yet showing a decrease in active curiosity ? That’s because they’re not getting enough physical activity.

Imaging your child sitting all day, their energy levels dropping, their eyes glued to the screen

This lack of movement can lead to health problems and hampers their development. It can also make them distracted and socially withdrawal .

At Jump-n-Rise, we believe in the magic of movement. Our preschool programs are full of fun, energetic activities that your child will love.

Such as freely run, pull, push, jump, etc. These aren’t just about exercise but also about learning, exploring, and making friends

Plus, we have pre-K programs near you that are just right for your child’s age and stage of growth. It’s time to replace screen time with playtime!

Transformative Benefits of Our Fitness Activities for Preschool Kids

Young girl flexing with confidence, symbolizing physical growth in preschool fitness classes.

Enhanced Physical Development

Running, jumping, and climbing not only boost preschoolers’ strength and balance for everyday fun but lay a foundation for lifelong health and fitness!

Icon showcasing Preschooler in deep concentration during a fitness activity, showcasing focus enhancement.

Enhanced Focus and Attention

Focused play, like puzzle-solving, sharpens your preschooler’s attention for school and beyond, building concentration skills for all areas of life!

Icon showing two children communicating to represent the benefit of improved social interaction through group play.

Better Social Interaction

Group games teach preschoolers not only to share and collaborate but also enhance teamwork skills for school, sports, and family time!

Icon symbolizing a child's creativity sparked by engaging in stimulating obstacle courses.

Boosted Creativity

Fun obstacle courses get kids thinking creatively to navigate challenges—key for problemsolving and innovations.

Icon displaying emoticons to represent a child's emotional regulation developed through yoga and team games.

Emotional Regulation

Yoga and team games let kids express feelings, teaching them to manage emotions—vital for happiness and calmness!

Real Parent Reviews: Discover the Jump-n-Rise Difference!

See the Impact: Parents Share Kids’ Success Stories from Our Classes!

Akanksha Tripathi
Great place for child's mental and physical development. Personalized plan and attention given to each. Very supportive, humble and qualified staff. Special thanks to Devanshi ma'am and Amal sir. Again thanking whole jump and rise team. Wish them very best of luck.
Aditya Makwana
The environment here is very friendly. The coaches here are very friendly and calm and they guide my child in the right direction for the betterment of my child. I would recommend all of you to visit Jump n Rise and just experience it once and then guide your child to his betterment.
Bhumi Makwana
Jump n rise the gym at the best gym in bopal . Gym atmosphere is best for workout and trainer are also best . Here they make us to do so many activities like yoga, workout. If u talk about my experience I have never seen such a gym especially for child, that is frist gym for children, very colourful and attractive.
Gohel Sachin
Jump n rise is best place for children, safty and friendly environment for kids. Vacation time is best time for joining
Sam Patel
Good place to enhance kids strength & physical fitness. My son love to come here every day. The team is also good & very co operative. The facilities & equipment is also a very good. It's just like doing exercise with fun or play.
Suril Patel
Start them young, they say. Active kid is a blessed kid. That is the philosophy this kiddie gym is based on. A very necessary environment that our city lacks, this gym provides creating much needed enthusiasm in kids. Kid friendly staff and a great coach to trust our kid with.
Nikhil More
Great place for kids to develop their physical fitness. My 3.5 year old daughter has joined the gym within 1 month we can find change in her behaviour she is more confident kid now. All credit goes to Amal Sir, Devanshi Ma'am and team Jump-n-Rise. Much needed daily activity for chidren.
Zeba Hashmi
Much needed indoor gym in Ahmedabad. Well planned, well researched and run by expert professional coaches. My son has autism with multiple disabilities but the team of jump n rise is working hard with him and training him various activities needed for his physical development. Thank you so much 😊😊🙏🙏

Jump-n-Rise: Nurturing Healthy, Happy Preschoolers Through Fitness and Play

In 2019, Devanshi Mam started a big adventure revolutionize preschool fitness in Ahmedabad. She wanted to make sure little kids in Ahmedabad could play, move, and stay healthy. So, she began teaching fun exercises to kids in their own homes.

Soon, Her dream got even bigger, and she opened the very first Jump-n-Rise place for kids to exercise in South Bopal. It’s not any gym—it’s a special place filled with laughter, games, and learning for tiny tots.

Devanshi is more than a coach; she’s like a superhero for playtime, making sure every kid has a blast while getting strong and smart.

The news folks at Gujarat First have seen how special Jump-n-Rise is! In our interview, we share how we mix up learning with safe play and lots of fun. It’s our secret recipe for making sure every kid leaves our place glowing with happiness and a cool new skill they’ve learned!

Catching the attention of Gujarat’s premier media outlets, Jump-n-Rise’s story of impact resonates widely. Our ambition stretches beyond mere exercise. 

We want to help little ones feel sure of themselves and full of energy, so they’re all set to do great in school and in life. Come and jump into the fun with us as we hop, skip, and jump to a healthier and happier tomorrow for all our Jump-n-Rise kids!

A joyful group of children with their coaches raising their hands in celebration at Jump-n-Rise preschool fitness classes.

Happy Kids with Devanshi Mam at Jump-n-Rise

Creating a Safe and Happy Space: Our Preschool Activities Zone

Jump-n-Rise is all about keeping preschoolers safe while they have the time of their lives. We’ve built our place from the ground up, thinking of nothing but safety so that every little explorer can discover and play with no worries at all.

Our preschool activity zone is super roomy and just right for kids. It’s packed with toys and stuff that are perfect for their age, all to help them learn and check out new things. The wide-open space lets them zip around safely, which is just what they need to let their curiosity and love for moving about bloom.

Safety Measures:

We’re super careful here, with top-notch safety rules to make sure all our kids are safe while they’re learning and playing.

We check our equipment all the time to keep it tip-top and safe for fun. Plus, we’re always following the best ways to keep our place sparkly clean and germ-free.

Spacious Jump-n-Rise fitness center for preschoolers, filled with colorful equipment, ready for fun and safe play."

Our Preschool Activities Facility

Answers to Your Questions: FAQs

Preschool games are fun, interactive activities designed for young children. They help with their physical, cognitive, and social development.

Preschoolers love to move! They can do lots of fun activities like hopping on one foot, dancing to music, and playing tag with friends.

They also enjoy simple gymnastics, tossing and catching soft balls, and running through obstacle courses that we set up just for their little legs. These activities help them use up energy and grow strong!

Four-year-olds are full of energy! They can do animal walks, like bear crawls, which are a blast. They also get a kick out of playful yoga, balancing games and even simple jumping jacks with a bit of help.

Want to see them in action? Come by Jump-n-Rise, where we tailor these activities for tiny movers!


Early childhood fitness is all about kids being able to play and explore without running out of puff. It’s about building those tiny muscles and bones for all their adventures, from monkey bars to bike rides.

And guess what? Active kids are happy kids. Come see how we make fitness fun at Jump-n-Rise!


It’s all about a joyful jig, a skip, and a hop to the rhythm! They’ll love our team games that teach them to move with friends and giggly relay races. It’s all about active learning and fun. Swing by Jump-n-Rise and watch them soar on their fitness adventure!


The best physical activities for preschoolers’ are the ones that get them smiling and sweating!

Think of freeze dance, hide and seek, and kickball. They love swimming like fish or zooming around on scooters. And don’t forget about monkey bars and hula hoops that twist and turn their bodies in all sorts of ways.

These activities are not just play; they’re building blocks for a healthy life! Check out Jump-n-Rise for all this fun and more!

Fitness is like a superpower for kids!

It helps them grow up strong and healthy. When they’re fit, they can run faster, jump higher, and play longer. Being active also helps kids sleep better at night and stay sharp for learning all day.

And the cherry on top? They’ll learn teamwork and make buddies along the way. Fitness is the gift that keeps on giving – to their bodies and their brains! Swing by Jump-n-Rise to see fitness in action!

To spark some pep in a child who seems a bit lazy, the key is to make moving fun! Turn exercise into their favorite game. – who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt or superhero training course?

Or you could put on some music and have a dance-off. Even better, be a role model; when they see you having a blast being active, they’ll want to join in. And don’t forget praise; kids love to hear they’re doing great!

Need inspiration? Jump-n-Rise has plenty of ideas to get those little legs moving!

Improving your child’s fitness can be both fun and rewarding.

Start with activities that suit their interests – if they like nature, go for a hike; if they love stories, create an adventure walk. Consistency is key, so try to incorporate active play into every day. Also, variety keeps things exciting – swimming one day, biking the next.

And why not join in? When fitness is a family affair, everyone wins! Join us at Jump-n-Rise for improving your preschoolers’ fitness!


Our preschool activity programs take place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Every child gets to enjoy a full hour of fun and learning with us each weekday, for a total of 5 days each week.

To register your child for preschool games at Jump-n-Rise , please contact us or visit us at our center for a one-day free trial.

Choosing Jump-n-Rise Preschool Games for your 3-year-old has many benefits.

Firstly, our games aim to enhance your child’s physical, cognitive, and social development.

Secondly, professionals who care about your child’s well-being lead our games.

Yes, Jump-n-Rise offers preschool programs for 2-year-olds. Our activities are tailored to their age and developmental needs.

Preschool activities offer many benefits. They promote physical fitness, enhance cognitive development, foster social skills, and boost confidence. This qualities can help them in school and life.

We serve preschool kids from age 2 to 5. We also have activity programs for older kids.

Activity classes start at 3000rs per month. Extra options are available, such as daily veggies. There is a special rate of 6000rs for students with autism and ADHD.

Discover the Fun: Join Our Free Trial Class!

Sign Up for a One-Day Trial and Discover the Joy of Gymnastics!